Holding its first meeting in June 1994, the Rocky Mountain Windows Technology User Group, originally he Rocky Mountain Windows NT User Group) is for end-users, system administrators, developers and consultants who use Windows NT technology on the job. Everybody from novice to expert is welcome. The RMWTUG normally meets monthly on the third Tuesday in Denver, Colorado, and the day AFTER this in Colorado Springs, with meetings usually starting at 6 p.m. Annual membership dues are $45.00, and are good for members at either or both locations. Visitors are welcome to attend most meetings at no charge. The one exception to this policy is our annual RMWTUG Holiday Reception in December, where members only, plus a guest, are invited. Membership forms are available on this site (see below) and at the meetings.The membership form (MS Word and RTF format) is also available for download, and is located at http://www.rmwtug.org/membershipform.doc or http://www.rmwtug.org/membershipform.rtf. You can print this form, complete it and either mail it in to the address on the form, or bring it with you to the next meeting. To be added to the email list quickly, be sure to check the email list instructions below.Regular monthly meetings in Denver and Colorado Springs normally have the same technical presentations at both chapters. Presentations are given by RMWTUG members, or vendors of Windows NT (2000/XP/2003) related products of technical interest. A typical meeting runs approximately 2 hours, and the agenda usually looks something like this:Welcome and opening remarks (5 minutes)Presentation #1 (40 – 50 minutes)Announcements from the floor (5 – 10 minutes)Break and networking time (10 – 15 minutes)Presentation #2 (40 – 50 minutes)Open question and answer timeRefreshments are often available at regular monthly meetings, usually sponsored by product vendors.

Special Events
Throughout the year, we hold FREE special events, which are combined meetings of the Denver and Colorado Springs chapters. These typically have significantly larger attendance than regular monthly meetings, and often include very nice prize drawings.