September 26, 2005 – I am researching and considering a re-launch of the Internet Chamber as a very different and cutting edge organization which will embrace a lot of the new ideas that I was never able to introduce during the time I was frantically trying to maintain the monthly meetings.
As you have noticed I have only been promoting events from The Rockies Venture Club for the last year or so as I worked thru 2 lawsuits, complete lack of funds and threatned bankruptcy, severe personal depression and the 8 month ordeal as my mother died from pancreatic cancer.
My mother’s dying request was that I let go of the Internet Chamber as she felt I had given it my best and that it was a source of too much stress. Since she had been paying all my expenses so I could work for free for the Internet Chamber for 8 years, I felt I should heed this request. You can get a little more background on my Mother’s support of this organization.

This has been an agonizing time for me, but I know I have learned a lot and I feel I can redirect it toward an idea that will benefit from my experience and yet avoid the problems that held me back before.
I’ll tell you more soon as I put pieces in place. The foundation to this idea is well described in this article.
In a future e-mail, I’ll be sharing with you my thinking and if I get enough positive feed-back, I’ll work toward bringing you this new Virtualization of the Internet Chamber.
You can e-mail me any of your thoughts. I’d love to begin brainstorming with you.