The organization of the Northern Colorado Windows NT Users group is changing once again to better serve your needs. Over the past several months it had become painfully obvious that participation in the users group was coming mainly from Wyoming and extreme northern Colorado. For this reason, the office of the Presidency of the NCWNTUG and the responsibility for continuing its structure was voted to Rick Cox of Cheyenne Wyo.
Rick comes from a strong IT background and works in the education field. In fact, Rick works with the LCCC in Cheyenne as an NT Certification instructor. His outreach for additional members will extend not only into educational but government, and conventional mainstay user demographics as well. Rick is looking to expand the original scope of the Users Group. His possible vision is to touch additional branches of the IT field, perhaps looking into the PC, Novell and additional Networking groups that already may exist in the Wyo. and the Northern Colorado area. I look forward to the new era of the NT users group and expect to see continued revitalization and growth.

As of Dec 1, 1998 Rick Cox is now the man to speak to regarding your needs and desires for your users group. It remains to be seen whether the Web Site will stay at the FortNet domain. Certainly things will be changing. Rick will have his own support staff. Watch for Email from Rick about the upcoming changes in meeting place, people and electronic location of the Web Site.ода Рик Кокс стал тем человеком, с которым можно было бы поговорить о ваших потребностях и желаниях для вашей группы пользователей. Еще неизвестно, останется ли веб-сайт в домене FortNet. Конечно, все будет меняться. У Рика будет собственный вспомогательный персонал. Следите за электронной почтой от Рика о предстоящих изменениях в месте встречи, людях и электронном расположении веб-сайта.
In closing, please let me say that Tony, and I have very much enjoyed holding the office of Co-Presidency over the past year. “Hats off” to everyone that participated and made our group a success, we enjoyed meeting you and the creative discussions that you brought to the table. Thank you to all of the Vendors that chose to come in and give presentations, we enjoyed learning about how your technology is shaping our industry. Thank you to all of you who participated behind the scenes making our organization run efficiently and effectively. And finally, a very Special thanks to Lindsay Reeser, our past membership coordinator. Without your help Lindsay, our meetings would have been impossible and at the very least would have left us, shall we say, “hungry” for knowledge.
Look for the coming changes. I hope to see you all continue to participate. If so, Tony, Tim and I will see you there! Happy Holidays