One of the most common problems with a keyboard is that the Windows key no longer works. This can happen due to driver problems, system upgrades, or a virus. If you use the keys frequently for gaming, you might experience problems, too. This article will show you how to fix the problem and get your keyboard working again. If you don’t know how to fix Windows key on a keyboard, read on to learn more.
In the first place, check whether the Windows key is disabled. If you can’t type on it, there is another reason why it may be causing you problems. If it isn’t, try using a different keyboard. If it doesn’t, you may have to replace the keyboard or fix it. The key functions are recorded in the Windows Registry. If the data has been deleted, the Windows key won’t work. To fix Windows key, you can change the data stored in the registry.
Once you know how to fix Windows key, you can try running the command line. But be careful, as this can interfere with your computer OS. It’s not recommended for beginners. The best way to fix the problem is to install a new keyboard. If you don’t have one, you should purchase one with the Windows logo on it. Then, open the Start menu and select the “Start” option. Now, click on the Start button and enter the Windows command. If the problem still persists, you can try the same steps.
Sometimes, the problem is hardware related, so you should try changing keyboards or cleaning out the space underneath them. If this doesn’t work, try a different keyboard. This may also solve the problem. If all of these methods fail, you may need to replace the keyboard. There are simple ways to fix Windows key on a computer. It is best to consult a professional if you’re unsure about your problem.
You can also try running the command line to fix Windows key issues. In some cases, the problem is a hardware issue. Other times, it may be a problem with the keyboard. Depending on the cause, you might have to try using a different keyboard or run a PowerShell command to fix Windows key. If all these options don’t work, you can try the command line again. If it works, the Windows key should function normally.

There are several reasons why Windows key does not work on a PC
Some problems can cause this problem, such as missing or corrupt installation files. In such cases, you should run the System File Checker tool to check for this problem. To do this, you will have to open a command prompt and type sfc.exe. If it does not find any problems, restart the PC and you will be able to use Windows again.
You can also try running the sfc command to fix Windows key. This is a useful tool for identifying out-of-date drivers and reinstalling them. The program will scan the hard drive and fix problems with Windows keys. It will also help you to upgrade to a newer version of the program. When the keys no longer work, you can try a different keyboard. If these two methods do not work, you can use a different computer instead.
If none of these solutions work, you can try a command line method. The command line will send commands to Windows, and the program will automatically fix the Windows key problems if it finds any. This method is dangerous because it can mess up your PC’s operating system, but if you follow the instructions carefully, it should be safe. Once you’ve tried this method, you should be able to use the Windows key.
It is important to note that using the command line is not recommended. You can actually harm your system if you try it. If you have a pro version of the program, then you can run it with the help of a Windows command. The Pro version of the software will automatically fix your computer’s drivers. In the end, it is the best option for you. If you have tried the command line method, you may be able to use the command line method to fix Windows key.