Have you ever driven through a bus stop while passionately reading a book? Or overslept through an important meeting because you were watching the new season of your favorite TV show all night, trying to predict the final episode? Yes, that was storytelling in its purest form. And now this format is still relevant. Storytelling is actively used on Instagram and not only to entertain followers. Its main purpose is to create an emotional attachment in the audience.
You can buy instagram followers or use ads to attract new followers. But without quality content, no one will be interested in your account. Why are stories so engaging, and how do we apply storytelling to business promotion? Let’s figure it out together!
What is storytelling

Storytelling is a special talent (don’t worry, it can be learned) to write stories in such a way that people come to the right conclusion. Companies use this storytelling format to become more human, and Influencers make an emotional connection with subscribers, luring the audience to their side. No one likes straightforward advertising that imposes its point of view on customers in a rather blunt way. A person with enviable zeal resists the judgments of others, making decisions only on the basis of their own conclusions. This is where storytelling comes in handy, as it allows you to deliver information in such a way that the user can feel it and remember it.
Intelligently created story is a direct way to empathy and empathy. It makes you feel that you share the author’s point of view. In storytelling there are no imposed opinions, value judgments and phrases from the category of this is good to do and this is bad to do. There is a path that the reader takes and decides for himself how to perceive what he sees.
The basic elements of storytelling

Okay, now let’s talk about the components of cool storytelling.
- Main Character. The connection between the brand (blogger) and the audience is based on the main character. You have to make the user empathize with the character, identify with him, and be able to feel his emotions.
- Place and time of action. This is not the main element of the story, but it is the details and immersion in a particular location that distinguishes storytelling from the usual narrative post. You may not go into detail or give a specific address, only hinting indirectly at the place where the events are unfolding.
- Conflict. This is the climax of the narrative. In this block, you need to describe the difficulties faced by the main character and the ways to overcome them. The reader should be interested in what the character’s attempts to resolve a difficult situation will lead to. It is desirable that the protagonist makes some mistakes (so the story will look much more vital). If there is no conflict and no options for resolving it, the story will have no instructive effect.
- The outcome. Every story should have an ending (good or bad, it doesn’t matter). At the end of the story, encourage readers to do something specific. For example, ask them to share their own experiences or leave reactions below the post. This will help you attract 10k instagram followers or even more to the story.